About KGIW 1450 FM
Some info about KGIW 1450 AM - The Giraffe...
We play the best of pop, soul, and rock n’ roll from the mid to late ‘60s, the 70s, and the early to mid 80s with our Classic Hits.
KGIW 1450 AM is one of the oldest stations in the west. KGIW first went on the air in 1929 and is located in Alamosa, Colorado.
In addition to some of the greatest Classic Hits music, KGIW has news on the hour every hour and several times a day provides the best in farm and ranch markets with Evan Slack, one of the best known farm/ranch reporters in America. His on-the-scene coverage has made Evan a familiar face and a trusted radio personality with a huge following. Evan Slack carries on the great tradition of good old fashioned farm broadcasting, delivered using all the latest technology.

We feature local news three times a day, along with the latest in weather throughout the day.
In addition hear:
The Peter Greenburg Travel Minute - Known in the industry as “The Travel Detective,” he is the travel editor for CBS News, appearing on CBS This Morning, CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley, and Sunday Morning, among other broadcast platforms.
The Osgood File with Charles Osgood. Each Osgood File focuses on a single story, from major national news to a whimsical human interest vignette. Some of these shows he does in rhyme, which is why he is known as CBS News’ “Poet in Residence.” The Osgood File attracts one of the largest audiences of any network radio feature – and Osgood’s radio work has been honored over the years with two Peabody Awards, the RTNDA’S Murrow Award, a Marconi Award and a Radio Mercury Award.
Focus on Family - a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. They provide help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’s design, and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles.
Just So You Know - features host Ric Bratton. Just So You Know is a daily one-minute radio featurette known for offering facts, fun, information nuggets, news, and entertainment.
Living the Country Life - Editor-in-Chief Betsy Freese and Editor/Host Jodi Henke share tips from experts across the United States to help you around your acreage.
The Trading Post - a segment that provides advertising for people who are selling everyday items, sort of like the classified ads in a Newspaper.
Enjoy listening!